It's okay to have a lot of money and live in a beautiful home, drive a nice car and all of those things. However, you have to be clear on why you want those things. Do you want these things to impress others and fill a hole within you? Or, do you want these things to feed your spirit and live a comfortable life, so that you can more clearly live your purpose to do good in the world and benefit others? We can do a lot of good in the world when we are wealthy. We also can live a very shallow and empty life when we are rich. What is driving your goals and desires, spirit or ego?
Again, to create what it is that you want in life, it is very important to be very clear on exactly what it is that you want in life. I would encourage you to take some time and get very quiet and relaxed, with a pen and paper. Take some deep breathes and close your eyes, now imagine your perfect life. What does your perfect life look like? Imagine it in great detail. What do you see? Where do you live? Are you married, if so what is your spouse like? How much money do you make monthly? What are your friends like? How does your body look and feel? What is your emotional state? What do you do for work? How do you feel? Imagine your perfect life in as much detail as possible.
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